Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Yet another TARDIS

Can one really have too many? Probably not. For those who don't know, my husband built a full-size TARDIS, in front of which we pledged our love.

Then it was smushed by the tree that fell on our house with the Snowicane of 2010. No worries. We'll rebuild one of these days. 

So it should be no surprise that I decided our kitchen needed its own Van Gogh-esque exploding TARDIS painting. I mean really, as a Whovian, how can you not have one? 

So armed with a day off, I created one. As an accent wall. 

The wall was already a pale yellow, so I reversed engineered it to take advantage. I free-handed the outlines onto the wall first using an image in the web as a reference. I did use wall paint by using those nifty wall paint samples you can buy. All told the project was about $20. 

I am not an artist. But I did this and so can you. Start eyeing your own walls and go create your own amazing.

Special thanks to my friend, Bobby, for reminding me that I originally had this idea back in the spring when I was painting the cabinets that beautiful blue. I had completely forgotten I wanted to do this. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

They're here!

Wednesday night, I came home late from day 1 of a two-day off-site work meeting.

I can home with my masterpiece from a fun bonding activity at Muse Paintbar

and this is what I found waiting for me

added bonus from my husband!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Tech Conference in Manchester? Of course!

  • 9:30 am - the board was full of ideas
  • 1 pm - the great airplane challenge had found a winner 
  • 4 pm - we were full of ideas, a bit tired but wished everyday could be Barcamp 

On Saturday November 9, Barcamp Manchester hosted its 7th annual conference. The folks at Dyn HQ were gracious enough to let the conference use its beatiful space so local technology folks could come and share ideas, unconference-style. 

It was my second Barcamp and feeling more comfortable I chatted with lots of folks: developers, makers, product owners, designers, gamers, etc. I attended sessions on Arduino/Raspberry Pi (for my upcoming Makers in Manchester project), Easter Eggs, Women in Tech (local edition) and Sketchnote. Not surprisingly, I've come away excited about potential projects.

Thanks so much to the Barcamp volunteers, sponsors and attendees for a great conference.

Friday, November 8, 2013

The last word

The Hippo's cover story this week was about the NH comics scene; local artists, local shops, cosplay and the like. While it was being researched, I was contacted as I organize the local women's comic discussion group, the League of Extraordinary Gentlewomen.

Thursday morning, I picked up a copy to check it out. It was great to see Double Midnight Comics sharing their thoughts, along with local featured artists, Jerry Fleming and League member, Emily Drouin.

And yes, not one but two shout-outs for the League monthly meeting. That's the second Thursday of the month for those of you who might be interested.

But the thing that tickled me most? A quote from me ends the story. Silly, I know, but as the mom of a teenager, getting the last word doesn't happen often.

So, be kind and let me revel in it for a teensy bit.